Posted 09:16 (#5767064 - in reply to #5767044) Subject: RE: Used grain bin priceĭone it before have two to take down now two 12s drying floors fans and unloaders and stairs give $ 270 for the pair taking them down next week-dave Always end up more money than first thought.
But concrete work, electrical and any additional things are full price.

I have done them and ended up with good bins so we aren't scared of work.

But for me to be over a dime a bushel, it would have to be real special and easy. I view stirring devices as contraptions not worth installing. Stuff with bin? Air floor would be the main thing I would want. Is there electricity available at the site to take down? Look at Del Peterson and others completed auctions for comparable bins. Check if property owner wants insurance if you damage something or start a fire. If you have to torch many bolts-several times longer taking apart. Check for corrosion on the inside, bolts especially. Posted 09:06 (#5767038 - in reply to #5766995) Subject: RE: Used grain bin priceĢ0-25 cents per bushel if it is in excellent condition
I helped do at least 4 of them when I was young and we learned how to do it very efficiently. Probably 3 times the labor of a new bin not only because you need to take it down, but because you have to load it haul it and unload it. Used the new bolts, rented jacks, hired help. You need all new bolts when putting 1 up.

Labor to erect a used bin is actually higher than a new one is imho. because the concrete work and labor is all the ssame to erect a new bin the same size. Sorry, been down the used bin road with smaller bins and loooking back it was ok for the most part.but I wouldnt do it today. Im not sure that free is a resonable price if you have to drop them to the ground and rebuild with hired crews, and 2 hours away, you probably arent going to work on them at your leisure so you have to have planty of help and equipment.but at least with the fans and unloaders it looks more attractive. What is a reasonable price for 7000 to 12000 bushel bins standing ? Have six months to remove and are two hours away.Fans, floors,and unloaders included. Posted 08:49 (#5766995) Subject: Used grain bin price Used grain bin price Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1